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Wow, I have a lot of crap to do in a short amount of time. Within about a month I'll have graduated college. This means I have to figure out who I'd like at my graduation, graduation dinner, etc. This also means that the job hunt is on.

Finishing up classes sucks. I've always found that the period of time between Thanksgiving and the end of the semester is a bunch of bull. All brain cells, composed of fat mind you, have been inundated with fat from Thanksgiving dinner and the several glorious football games of that day. Brain function pretty much comes to a hault until after the drunkeness of New Years Eve flushes all of that artery clogging goodness out of the cranium.

This past weekend I asked my girlfriend's (Christy's) father for permission to marry her. I was really nervous for some reason when I asked. I don't know why I was nervous because I feel so comfortable around her family. I consider them my second family. I don't think he expected me to ask him for his appoval. His response was, 'Well, uh, I guess so. She's got a great guy.' (pardon the rest of this message b/c i'm inebriated)

So, on Tuesday I come to find out that Chirsty has been accepted to Washburn Law School. I'm elated that she has achieved such a feat, but I know that there are tough times ahead. Law school is very demanding on a person. Tonight she attended a 'seminar' on what it's like to be in law school. I.e. the differing careers that can be had from obtaining a law degree based upon your undergrad. They also had something similar to, 'balancing law school and your family'. This is the part that really scares me. I'm confident in the fact that Christy can do fine in law school, however I don't know if our relationship can last through this period of time.

Tonight we discussed that fact, and that we'd have to really work at our relationship. When we spend time together, it would have to be our time, quality time. By that time, I hope to have a lucrative geography job, making money for myself and her. I mean, even though, at that time we won't be married, I will be saving money for our livelihood. I'll support her in any decision that she makes towards her career. I just hope that I, and our relationship are considered heavily when decisions are made.

Well, I think it's about time to turn in, considering I don't have class tomorrow. I've got to get up, go to class, go to work, donate plasma, and get smashed at a friend's birthday party. I'll be seeing you in a while.


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